
9.07.2006 | Disc Golf

11. Albuch Open 2006: We are German Champion!

Event-Review by Jürgen M. Taube, translated by Dan Sellers.

We are German Champion!

The venue for the 2006 German Disc Golf Championships was the 11th Albuch Open in Söhnstetten. In the open division Michael Stelzer (Söhnstetten), after his 2005 victory in Söhnstetten, took 3rd place in the division and, as the best German player, is the 2006 GERMAN CHAMPION! For the women, Nora Backes (Steinheim) took 2nd place in the tournament. However, as the best German player, she is the 2006 GERMAN WOMEN’S CHAMPION. In the junior division, Söhnstetten’s Christian Schmidt (2nd place) and Moritz Lang (3rd place) achieved outstanding results as well.

The tournament, which was played over 4 rounds in the Mauertal in Söhnstetten, found its high point with the playing of the final at the National Horticultural Show (Landesgartenshau) in Heidenheim. As announced in the press, the best 5 players from the Albuch Open fought for victory in the area around the horticultural show on 9 special holes. Before approximately 500 spectators, two exciting duels appeared – for 1st place, between Marco Lehousse from Belgium and Andreas Gertsch from Switzerland; and for 3rd place, between the two German players Michael Stelzer and Klaus Kattwinkel to decide who the German Champion would be. In two exciting play-offs, because of ties after the 9 holes, Marco Lehousse took 1st place and Michael Stelzer took 3rd place and the German Championship.

The tournament was host to 120 participants from 12 nations. With the 11th Albuch Open, the WSCA reached a new highlight in its disc golf history. And not only that: The former record of 96 players (set in 2005) was broken once again. The disc golf section of the WSCA would like to thank all members and volunteers for their support. Only because of you was the tournament a complete success.

11th Albuch Open - From the Beginning

Planning for our 11th Albuch Open began in November 2005. In that month we got the news that we had been awarded the German Championships and participation in the 2006 PDGA EuroTour. This was followed in December with news that we were also to be part of the 2006 German Tour. At first, the German Championships were publicized to 84 players. Because of last year's success and this tournament was a combination of German Championships, German Tour and PDGA EuroTour, and because there would certainly be interest from many players, in December/January the tournament organizers decided that the number of participants would be set at 126, who would start in groups of 3 in 2 different pools (A and B).

When we began advertising for the tournament, in this case, invitations to players all over the world, something that amazed us even more happened. We had not really expected that that we could top the registration of the preceding year even though we had more starting places to give out than in 2005. Shortly after the tournament homepage was up on the internet, there was a new record in registrations of interested players. The registration was time-delayed to open on February 22, 2006 and the first few hours brought in a considerable number of entries!

After 10 minutes, we had 12 registrations.

After 6 hours, we had 40 registrations.

After 36 hours, we had 90 registrations.

After 6 days, we opened the waiting list.

At the end, we had well over 160 registrations

The large number of early registrants made it ultimately necessary to collect the tournament entry fees by May 26, 2006. Because experience has shown over and over that many early and quick registrants secure a starting place for themselves even though they are not sure if they can really participate.

Very early on, we realized that our WSCA club house was much too small to feed all the players and to hold the player meetings and to provide a tournament headquarters.

Not only did we get a 200-person party tent with tables and benches from the local Hirsch Brauerei (Deer Brewery), but they also made available a large, refrigerated food-and-beverage vehicle. On Thursday evening, occasionally interrupted by rain, approximately 10-15 club members set up the tent in about 4 hours under the guidance of tent master Ralf. In the same evening, Albert Klingler and Rainer Kern installed the entire electricity and water supply! In addition we were able to rent a sufficient amount of tableware and a dishwasher from a friendly music club. With these, we were able to avoid having a large amount of trash that would have accompanied disposable tableware.

With the opening of the party tent at 11:30 on Friday night, we offered snacks, cakes and beverages of all kinds. The meals organized by the catering service in the next 3 days, provided a burden of relief to our work and organization and made it nonetheless possible for us to offer good meals for well-being of our participants. A heartfelt thank you to the helpers in the tent..

However, we did not take it on ourselves to organize and offer the Saturday evening BBQ, which was cared for in an outstanding manner by the team of Heike and Rainer Kern. We want to make it perfectly clear that they organized the player meals for the entire weekend! Thank you very much Heike and Rainer!!!

In order to ensure a reasonable feasibility of starting all the pools on time throughout the weekend, the tournament had to begin on Friday afternoon. Therefore, it was impossible to offer doubles before the tournament began.

In order to begin the tournament punctually, we broke the check-in procedure into stages. Pool A started their first round at 14:00 with pool B starting at 17:30. Most of the players usually arrive in the late morning or early afternoon. The initial check-in served as purely a confirmation of presence for us. It made it possible to be able to react on short notice regarding sudden player changes – especially since we were only putting 3 players in each group. The official tournament registration was then Friday evening, after both pools had finished their first round.

This year, we had a polo shirt and a mini-disc in the player’s package. Both had the tournament name and dates on them, as well as the logo for the German Championships. In addition, we offered for acquisition the “Albuch Open 2006 Tournament Disc" as a merchandising product. This disc was printed using the new INN-color procedure. We thank everyone who supported our tournament by purchasing one of these discs. (There are still a few available.)

Starting at 6 o'clock Saturday morning we offered breakfast in order to get the second round for pool A started around 7 o’clock. Since pool B started its second round at 11 o’clock, they had more time for breakfast and could sleep a little longer.

The 3rd round for pool A began at 2:30 so that pool B could begin their 3rd round at 6 o’clock. The 3 ½ hour difference in starting times substantially helped the facilitation of feeding the players since we had to feed only about 60 people at a time.

The weather forecast was not by any means clear. Passing thunderstorms with 60-80 percent probability of rain were predicted. In reality, it was very cloudy Friday and Saturday with high humidity making it quite muggy. The only times it rained were Thursday evening during construction of the party tent and Saturday afternoon for about 1 hour.

Perhaps Sunday showed the weather at its best, with clear sky and temperatures over 30 degrees.

Looking back, we can be pleased that we were blessed with good weather the whole weekend.

By Saturday evening, everyone had completed their 3 rounds on the 21-hole course. Instead of starting the semi-final in the afternoon on Sunday like normal, this was played on Sunday morning. However, because of the available time, the entire 21-hole course was played again! For all divisions except Open, this round was actually the final. For the top 48 Open players, this was one more psychological and physical ‘fight’ for the chance to reach the finals.

On Sunday, the weather gave us its best with cloudless blue skies and approximately 30 degrees. This contributed greatly to the success of the Albuch Open. Around 11.30 Sunday we were finally finished with the semi-final. For all the participants, this meant that they had completed 4 rounds on the Söhnstetten Disc Golf Course. Many were physically exhausted – this was easily readable on their faces. Attention to all participants: that was a genuine physical achievement!

Now to the project: "Final at the National Horticultural Show 2006". In the year 2001, the city of Heidenheim began working on an abandoned industrial park to create today's National Horticultural Show. In December 2004, with memories of the 2000 German Championship in Memmingen, the idea was born to put on the final at the National Horticultural Show.

A 9-hole final for the Top 5 players from the 2006 Albuch Open with presentation, barriers, and many potential spectators! An outstanding opportunity to move our sport more into the public’s eye! The support of the National Horticultural Show was, after initial doubts about the possibility of flying discs hitting hundreds, if not thousands of visitors, quickly won.

In the foreground of our planning we recognized the substantial parking problem for the execution of the project. Only an neighboring company’s unused parking lot would have been suitable. Unfortunately, this was denied to us and the company therefore gave up thereby the possibility of having their name mentioned (free advertising!) here and in the press.

The solution was ultimately very easy. A rented articulated bus from the Heidenheim public transportation took care of the transport for approximately 140 visitors and players to Heidenheim. The 5 finalists were chauffeured in an extra van, our "final taxi", and got vital, last-minute instructions from the tournament director.

The following four players had reached the final: Marco Lehousse (1.), Andreas Gertsch (2.), Klaus Kattwinkel (3.) and our Michael Stelzer (4.). Only after an exciting sudden-death playoff in Söhnstetten between Chris Max Voigt, Michel Bigneron, Emil Isaakson and Pascal Thioux, was the fifth player determined. Voigt earned his way into the finals on the second hole of sudden death by nearly making an ace and parking the disc about 1 meter from the basket

Gradually, from seeing a few practice throws and putts, curious spectators began to gather. Punctually, as announced in the press, we started the final at 3 o'clock. 9 holes lying in a beautiful park area. Tight tree alleys, baskets positioned near water, holes across and along the Brenz, the small river passing through the National Horticultural Show area. And like so often, with the help of a loud mobile public-address system, outstanding commentary from the experienced Viro Schneider. Cordial thanks from the WSCA.

With temperatures over 30 degrees and best summer weather, we and up to 500 spectators attended a high-level final. The spectator reactions were quite mixed. Mostly however, within a few minutes of saying things like “I don’t want to move.” or “Can’t you go somewhere else?” spectators opinions changed to astonishment as they said things like “Wow! Those things fly a long way. And from way back there?” And all this during the flight (Tee….50,60,70,80,90,100….meters) of a single disc.

Unfortunately the execution of the final took up a lot of time. But the security of the spectators and other guests at the National Horticultural Show had to be given absolute priority.

Marco Lehousse began the finals with a 6 throw lead, however he obviously had to pay the 4th round Söhnstetten tribute and lost the same number of throws during the 9-hole final. 2nd place Andy Gertsch, who played very steady the entire weekend, continued his consistency in the final and managed to catch the Belgian.

Michael Stelzer, with his ace in the 4th round, was lucky enough not to have to play in sudden death to make the finals. In the finals, still riding high from his early morning luck, he succeeded in playing the final 1 throw better than Klauus Kattwinkel and drawing even with him.

Despite a final best performance of 25 throws, it was not enough for Voigt to pull even with the other Germans, who ended up 1 throw in front of him.

Thus it came to a sudden-death playoff, not only for 1st place and the overall victory of the 11th Albuch Open, but also for 3rd place and the 2006 German Championship..

The tournament director was prepared for everything over the whole weekend. Thus, there was also a suitable and selective new hole for the playoff. Marco Lehousse collected all his strength and placed his disc reliably beside the basket. Andy Gertsch contributed to a fast decision, in that he put his disc in the water (cooling off!?) beside the basket. Marco Lehousse made the putt for the victory of the 11th Albuch Open with impressive poise. Heartfelt congratulations.

Played separate from that playoff, but immediately after it, Klaus Kattwinkel and Michael Stelzer had a playoff not only for 3rd place but, as the best Germans, for the National Championship. Stelzer threw first, unfortunately somewhat short, nevertheless in bounds before the basket. Kattwinkel answered it, just as Gertsch had in the previous playoff, with an OB throw into the water behind Stelzer.. Kattwinkel collected all strength and tried a 15-meter putt from the edge of the water. The spectators were already looking forward to the next playoff hole, but Kattwinkel's putt jumped out of the chains and lay next to the basket for a 4. Stelzer used the chance to throw a safe approach and win the playoff. Michael Stelzer, of the WSCA Steinheim/Soehnstetten, becomes THE 2006 GERMAN CHAMPION! Your masterpiece, Michi! All our congratulations!

After a short ceremony for the finalists right after the playoffs, we left the National Horticultural Show for the return to Söhnstetten. After the other players had arrived, the finalists arrived in the “final taxi” in front of the party tent. We received them with the tent entrance opened wide, Queen’s classic “We Are The Champions” playing over the loudspeakers and a red carpet to lead them into the tent for the final prize ceremony. To have seen 5 men, struggling for their composure so as not to break out in tears was a moving moment for all of us who were privileged enough to see such a high-level tournament and an equally exciting, high-class final.

Specifics of the tournament

We had 120 participants: 64 Open; 6 Women’s Open; 28 Masters; 9 Grand Masters; 7 Juniors; and 6 Beginners. 5 players did not complete the tournament. During the tournament, 4 aces were hit. So many as never before (Berne 1992?) Sandro Strauss aced hole 13. Chris Voigt, Markus Kreupl and Michael Stelzer all hit aces on the same hole – number 17! The best round was 52 – a new course record – twice from winner Marco Lehousse and and once from Emil Isaakson. Emil’s round enabled him to make the biggest jump in the tournament – from 27th place all the way to a tie for 5th! Unfortunately, he just missed out on the final by losing in the sudden death playoff for the last spot. As already mentioned, Andi Gertsch from Switzerland played the most consistent with rounds of 55, 55, 55 and 56. For the ladies, Lydie Hellgren clearly dominated the field. After the four rounds, she was 42 throws ahead of 2nd place (and German Women’s Champion) Nora Backes. And, of course, the weather was quite agreeable.

Many participants, who were not our guests last year, were quite astonished with our posting of results: Shortly after their rounds, all players could pursue the results of the previous round on a big screen in the party tent. Single results for the players were transferred to the screen along with a total summary, photos, weather, schedules and other information. Until now, only the Albuch Open has done this. Also 2006 brought an innovation regarding results: The results in the final were transferred live hole for hole to the WSCA homepage. The website received 110 hits between 3 o’clock and 6 o’clock.

Additional activities

We offered night doubles on Friday. The mini-tournament was unexpectedly well accepted and 13 teams participated. Markus Held marked the 9 baskets with small shining lights and the players’ discs were likewise marked by attaching lights with transparent tape. The teams and results are observable under www.wsca/discgolf/ergebnisse/.

We offered our traditional night CTP on hole 4 on Saturday The basket was marked with 4 burning torches. With an incredible atmosphere (the participants and onlookers can testify to it), the unlighted discs were thrown into the night to land as close as possible to the basket. So it came to be that during the three rounds, Chris Voigt, Peter Gassner and Uwe Hamann all claimed one of the brand new and un-buyable Söhnstetten Special CTP prizes.

Naturally, the weekend was also shaped by the 2006 World Cup in Germany. It was the last weekend of the World Cup and Germany had barely failed to make to the finals. Nevertheless, the interest was large and the offer of the WSCA to show the Cup matches in the evening on the large screen in the party tent on Saturday and Sunday was well received by both players and a few visitors from Söhnstetten.

Results and single results are now available online.

Our photographer took over 2000 pictures during the weekend. Many of these are also available online. In addition, further photos by Jorge Hanselmann and Martin Frederiksen have also been put online.

It is also worth mentioning that several WSCA players (Dennis Stampfer, Markus and Conny Held), did not play in the tournament in order to be able to deal with the extensive organization during the tournament. Also a big thank you goes out to all helpers from the WSCA for the assembly and organization of the tent and all the activities located there – food, drinks and the big screen TV. Thank you one and all!

Press Resonance

The Albuch Open was, with the preceding advertisements, the final at the National Horticultural Show, and a full page newspaper report, conceivably the best advertisement and representation the WSCA Steinheim/Soehnstetten and our sport for the public!

On Monday, July 10, 2006, a full page newspaper report with 4 pictures was in the “Heidenheimer Neue Presse” - a daily paper in Heidenheim that reaches 87,000 readers! The article had a large heading that read "Söhnstetten is the Disc Golf Mecca," and a smaller heading that read “Huge Starting Field and an Outstanding Level at the 11th Albuch Open.” For anyone who would like to read this article, Juerg Hanselmann digitized it and made it available at:

Many thanks also to all participants, not only for your participation, but also your environmentally conscious behavior in the protected Mauertal and the exemplary behavior and support during the final in Heidenheim.

And last, but certainly not least, an extra big thank you goes out to the tournament director, Dennis Stampfer. Dennis provided great leadership and held everything together. Without him, the tournament wouldn’t have been what it was.

We would be pleased in 2007 to welcome you back for the 12th Albuch Open.

Best regards,

Juergen Taube and the WSCA Steinheim/Soehnstettten

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